Enough Said

I’m not sure it’s even possible to imagine a world without conflict, but I do. I have a positive outlook of everything, at least before others try to convince me otherwise. I don’t like to defend my position to naysayers. I’d rather just let others have their opinions and keep my own opinion to myself.  I live outside the box. At least I see it that way. I see the possibility of peace on this planet and an equality of all beings, be human or animal. I even have a simple solution of how to head in that direction and I mean a fast way to eliminate war and that sort of unruly disharmony. I am taking the stance that in general, all war is man-made. And by that, I mean that is it men that are the ones warring. You may think me naive. Here is my solution. All woman agree to cease and desist having sex with any men that are fighting. Men would choose sex over war in a heartbeat. There is no way that enough men could be gathered together to go to war and to fight a war if they weren’t getting laid. Enough said.

I’m not sure it’s even possible to imagine a world without sex. I know I can’t. I won’t and I never will. Sex, and even more so the connecting of two or more people in a sensual and seductive way is crucial to living a fulfilling life. Unless you have reason to choose a monastic lifestyle, you probably are going to want to sexually connect to other human beings. It seems to be a driving force in both humans and animals. It isn’t all about procreation. Even on a deeper level it is about connection and unity and expansion of the small self into the universal self. If that went over your head, let me explain myself. For me, sex, and I use the term specifically as an intimate physical connection where 2 humans connect on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. If lovemaking is done is a specific manner, the outcome is a god-like or out of body experience where the two bodies merge into one. There is no way that with this sort of sex, men or women would choose anything but that. Enough said.

I’m not sure it’s even possible to imagine sex without full body, multi-orgasmic, and out of body god-like connection between the two parties involved. For me life is flat, is in fact lifeless without this sort of connection with another. I actually think the number of people who have ever experienced this type of connection is unfortunately less than 1% of the population. I am blessed to be a part of this 1%. I know when people talk of the 1%, they mean the very wealthy. My version of the 1% is, in my mind, is the group to aspire to and to live within. I will forever share my understanding of this connection and show people the way to live it and to grow into it. There is no greater life’s purpose than for me to share this and live it as an example for others to see. Enough said. 

I’m not sure it’s even possible to find that ‘other’ being who is on the same wavelength as I am. I seek it, I desire it, I crave it and I will never give up until I find it. This brings me full circle to imagining a peaceful planet where everyone is living love every day. It has been my motto for over 20 years. I don’t know the exact time and place this started resonating with me.  It began early in my life. I started meditating at 9, was living on my own at age 12, surrounded by other spiritual young people at a University of meditators, in college at 14, sexually active and free spirited at 13, and really a lover or life and of seeing the best in anyone and everyone. I used to tell friends, when they asked dating advice, find one thing you love in another and focus on that. Shift the focus away from anything you don’t like. Most people look at all the things they don’t like, and they amplify those things by focusing on them. As long as it isn’t immoral and illegal, then ignore it. I actually have an outrageous opinion about what is immoral and illegal as well, but I won’t go into that now. Enough said.

I’m not sure it’s even possible, but possible is what I choose to live into. I hold in my conscious awareness that love is possible, that living a lifestyle in total freedom and in love is possible. That finding a partner to journey with in this sort of love is possible. It might be even more than possible; it might be probable. 

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